Mordhau end him rightly
Mordhau end him rightly

mordhau end him rightly

This article shall teach the novice, the deacons, the unexperienced, the newborns, the elderly, the disabled, the lepers, and even the self-proclaimed strongest entities on gaining the ability to end his or her opponent rightly, and thus give them the power to end others rightly or fuck up in an embarrassingly funny way, however they pull these right-ending methodologies that this article shall mention later on. So, to never again experience this defeat you shall read these instructions on how to end your opponent rightly. You gladly accept, even against your will, but as the referee strikes the gong you realize you lack any decent knowledge about HEMA, and are thus defeated within 4 seconds of the round, even against your will. All you have is either plebeian attire or thick metal plating to cover your skin, as well as the same fully thick aristocratic longsword he has. He comes to you and decided to challenge you, even against your will. Optionally, the GM may decide that crushing face hits that deal Damage equal to DR ring plate helmets like a bell.You see a fully armored aristocratic knight wielding his fully thick aristocratic longsword. Having your Bell Rung Strikes that don't penertrate armor can still have serious effects with head strikes. A GM who wishes to make them more effective may allow an extra +1 to crushing damage, and make the mordhau gripped swords unbalanced. These rules are especially useful when the Blunt Trauma and Edged Weapons rules from Low Tech p102 are in effect. If a foe catches the hilt, he may jerk the blade to attack the hands at half penalty on his turn, though a normal defense is allowed. A proper Mordhau is a Committed Attack or All Out Attack, with the Strong or Determined options, against a grounded or otherwise disoriented throw.

mordhau end him rightly

The Mordhau grip inflict the weapon's damage as appropriate for a mace of its size, or swing +2, +3, or even +4 crushing. Katanas usually did not have pommels at all. At the GM's decision, a removeable pommel costs +$10 or $20. Not all pommels may be removed! Some blade construction uses the pommel to hold the grip onto the blade the construction of the hilt may fall apart without it. Removing a pommel makes the weapon very unbalanced (-4 to skill), but it may be retrieved and reattached. A fast draw or sword skill roll may change this to 1 maneuver but it failure by 5 or more drops the pommel on the ground at the swordsman's feet! Removing the pommel also removes its weight from the weapon. Removing a pommel takes 2 ready maneuvers and requires 2 hands.

mordhau end him rightly mordhau end him rightly

Pommel Throwing Many swords throughout history had removable pommels, which could be thrown to disorient an enemy. This post was inspired by a friend of mine who practices Fencing asking about what was possible with a Longsword in GURPS.

Mordhau end him rightly