This Source was the ruler of the Underworld for centuries and defeated all opposition until he was vanquished by the Charmed Ones. His face was mutilated from his battles during his rise to power and only a few demons had ever seen his face. The most prominent Source of All Evil was the demon known as the half-faced Source, who had been in power for approximately 5 centuries. Many demons seek to claim the title of the Source.

The Source of All Evil is the ruler of the Underworld and must be coronated by a Dark Priest in a dark ritual involving the Grimoire to be recognized as such. When the Seer was vanquished, the essence became disembodied until it was resurrected as a Golem in 2008. Once Cole was vanquished, the essence went into their unborn son and used his powers to take control of Phoebe until the child was transferred to the Seer. By merging with Cole, the Source began to share his love for Phoebe Halliwell. When Cole Turner gained the powers of the Source through the Hollow, the essence began to merge with him until they were the same entity. The essence of the Source lies within its powers. The essence can also be reborn in beings who are related to its hosts by blood or those who are in possession of its powers. The essence will take a new host and merge with that host's own spirit, taking over their personality and consuming their own consciousness. This means that every known Source was in fact the same essence, while demons in general believe that a new Source has risen. When the demon body is vanquished, the essence is transferred into another evil entity. The Source is an evil essence which possessed the bodies of numerous demons over the centuries. " … Once I take on a new body, I will use it to finally destroy the Charmed Ones." -The Source.